Has anyone ever heard of a service called " Advanced Analytics " ?


New member
May 5, 2019
I wanted to try out a service after they went 2-0 with very specific information that they were right about.

Has anyone heard of this company ( Service ) ? They don't advertise and they say they like to stay under the radar ( red flag ?? )

Let me know if anyone has any info on these guys.

Thank you
Mar 19, 2008
Nope. Must be new. If no website or not monitored anywhere I'd be skeptical

Where did you see them?

New member
May 5, 2019
It was a cold text I got. Signed up for a week of service since i've never done it. Same bet each game for 1 week. If this doesn't go well i'm never doing it again. I took a leap of faith which is pretty stupid in this business. Really Stupid
Mar 19, 2008
My buddy did that twice...exact same thing...texting stuff. Each time same results. They would randomly send texts with plays to start. Plays would do well get you hooked. You pay money to the person plays would all sudden do bad

Feb 5, 2019
I received the same texts as well. No website or any tracking. I just tailed their picks but never bet any of them.

Nov 11, 2007
Let me say one thing from a person who has followed sports services since they began in the mid to late 70's and based on personal experience:
If this service or any service requires that you give them your phone number as a requirement, under NO CONDITIONS GIVE IT TO THEM unless you want to be hounded by them or worse have your phone number sold to another service so that they can do the same and on and on and on.

Feb 5, 2019
Let me say one thing from a person who has followed sports services since they began in the mid to late 70's and based on personal experience:
If this service or any service requires that you give them your phone number as a requirement, under NO CONDITIONS GIVE IT TO THEM unless you want to be hounded by them or worse have your phone number sold to another service so that they can do the same and on and on and on.


Nov 11, 2007

One other thing especially for newbies:
Sometimes you don't have to give a sports service your number, as they can it on their own.
How you ask?
Well this can and will occur if you simply call their comp. line and the service uses its caller id to get your name and phone number.
Once again I speak from experience as it has happened to me on several occasions.
The best and most memorable example I can think of occurred I am going to say around 8-10 years ago, when I decided out of curiosity one day to call Stu Feiner's comp. line to see if the lying piece of work talks/promotes himself in the same way he did/does when he used to be on those Saturday morning shows and with his videos, writeups and insane pricing on his website.
Well not surprisingly I found out that there was essentially no difference-you know the made-up records, the self-glorification which goes with it, etc.
Well to cut to the chase, the very next day, having obviously got my name and phone number from the phone id, lo and behold I got a phone call from Stu himself!
He was actually out of character, very low key, politely and respectful.
He told me that he had noticed that I had called his comp. line and told me that he had several packages which were not very expensive and asked whether I would be interested.
While I was listening to him, I was thinking to myself that if this guy knew how many times I had rightfully exposed him over the years with my commentary, "perhaps" he would not have called me and/or had been as nice to me as was.
Anyways, I told Stu politely that I was a very small player and gambled for fun and entertainment only(which was true back then and today), and that no matter how little he charged, it would not make sense to me to buy his service.
Stu was very polite and to quote said, "I understand" and the conversation ended.

Feb 5, 2019
One other thing especially for newbies:
Sometimes you don't have to give a sports service your number, as they can it on their own.
How you ask?
Well this can and will occur if you simply call their comp. line and the service uses its caller id to get your name and phone number.
Once again I speak from experience as it has happened to me on several occasions.
The best and most memorable example I can think of occurred I am going to say around 8-10 years ago, when I decided out of curiosity one day to call Stu Feiner's comp. line to see if the lying piece of work talks/promotes himself in the same way he did/does when he used to be on those Saturday morning shows and with his videos, writeups and insane pricing on his website.
Well not surprisingly I found out that there was essentially no difference-you know the made-up records, the self-glorification which goes with it, etc.
Well to cut to the chase, the very next day, having obviously got my name and phone number from the phone id, lo and behold I got a phone call from Stu himself!
He was actually out of character, very low key, politely and respectful.
He told me that he had noticed that I had called his comp. line and told me that he had several packages which were not very expensive and asked whether I would be interested.
While I was listening to him, I was thinking to myself that if this guy knew how many times I had rightfully exposed him over the years with my commentary, "perhaps" he would not have called me and/or had been as nice to me as was.
Anyways, I told Stu politely that I was a very small player and gambled for fun and entertainment only(which was true back then and today), and that no matter how little he charged, it would not make sense to me to buy his service.
Stu was very polite and to quote said, "I understand" and the conversation ended.

I had a similar experience with Steve Stevens when I called for a free pick. I spoke to one of his sales reps and he told me " we do not have a comp pick today but have some affordable subscriptions". He proceeded to tell me about the packages that where available. I declined the offers and that was the end of the conversation.

I then started to receive calls on a daily basis from them for about 2 weeks until I finally asked them to stop calling.

My brother actually purchased a week membership from the "Big Skipper". They went 2-5.

I have used a couple of services that have been profitable but the vast majority of handicapping services are just terrible.

Nov 11, 2007
I had a similar experience with Steve Stevens when I called for a free pick. I spoke to one of his sales reps and he told me " we do not have a comp pick today but have some affordable subscriptions". He proceeded to tell me about the packages that where available. I declined the offers and that was the end of the conversation.

I then started to receive calls on a daily basis from them for about 2 weeks until I finally asked them to stop calling.

My brother actually purchased a week membership from the "Big Skipper". They went 2-5.

I have used a couple of services that have been profitable but the vast majority of handicapping services are just terrible.

Vikingsfan-you and I are on the same page and both have plenty of experience to back up what we say.
In fact, if it could be proven, imo the overwhelming number of services which people ask for which are hot and/or deemed to be good, lose over time also.
They survive only for the most part because they have convinced people to send them money because they are good with their picks.
However, that said, I have serious doubts about how many of these folks could survive on their own betting their own games if they had not clients backing/financing them by sending the money for these picks-imo VERY, VERY FEW!!!
Unfortunately though, newbies and younger folks don't know what we do and will have to learn on their own.
It is an actual fact that somewhere in the mid to high 90's percent of people lose over time betting on sports, which is the bottom line no matter if they do it on their own or with outside help from handicappers.
That is the reason that personally I wager VERY small amounts, ie for the entertainment value, and I do my heavy hitting in the stock market.
I may not get the instant gratification/"rush" in the market which I get by winning a game in sports gambling(imo that is what lots of folks are seeking), but more importantly, I do win and find it profitable over time, which is all that matters.

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